platform / Task Management

Master Your Productivity

Painless task management to set you up for success.

Set Up Workflow Automations

Workflow automation capabilities allow you to set up automated actions based on specific triggers or events. For example, automatically assign tasks when a lead reaches a certain stage in your sales pipeline.

Task Prioritization and Reminders

Prioritize tasks based on urgency or importnace. This feature ensures your sales team focuses on critical tasks and meets crucial deadlines.


You can assign to specific team members within MemberOS. Send automated reminders and notifications to team members about upcoming tasks or deadlines, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Manage Tasks On the Go with Mobile

MemberOS offers a mobile app that allows you and your team to access and manage tasks on-the-go, which is particularly useful for sales representatives working in the field.

Project Overviews at a Glance

View individual tasks or entire projects at a glance on individual dashboards or on the project overview page. See what steps are hanging up a project, send notifications when dependent tasks are completed, and shift deadlines based on changing conditions—all within our colorful, easy-to-use interface.

Integrate Your Calendar and Email

MemberOS can integrate with popular calendar and email platforms, such as Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook. This integration allows you to sync tasks and events, ensuring that your task management is seamlessly integrated with your daily workflow.

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