Associations / Custom Reporting

Make Data-Driven Decisions with
Custom Reporting

In the dynamic world of media, data is your superpower. That’s why the custom data reports in MemberOS give the insights you need to make informed decisions, leverage customer insights, and manage and grow your audience more effectively. 

In-Depth Analytics

Dive deep into your media association’s performance with advanced analytics. Uncover trends, identify opportunities, and optimize strategies for success.


Our data reports are interactive, meaning you can drill down further into almost any number in the report to find out more information. 

Data Consolidation Made Easy

Say goodbye to data silos and customer information scattered across several different platforms. Reports in MemberOS aren’t confined to one source. Our reporting software aggregates all your member data, providing you with a unified, comprehensive view of your association’s performance.

Build Custom Reports

The custom visualization feature lets you format your report how you want so you can clearly communicate with your data. 

Easily Share Reports with Custom Dashboards

Customizable dashboards allow you to easily share reports with just a few people, your team, or the entire company.

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