Omaha Magazine: Client Case Study

Why the switch to MemberOS? Omaha Magazine Ltd. publishes six print publications, as well as a host of massively popular custom publishing products, such as Best of Omaha and Faces of Omaha. Yet their success was hindered by a big problem—much of their sales processes were carried out on paper. With much of their data […]
Harness the Power of Your Audience with Events and Expos

How are you engaging your audience? Take a minute to mull it over.  Odds are, you’re thinking through tried-and-true approaches like chasing interesting subject matter and infusing it with attention-grabbing mixed media. Maybe you’re already taking advantage of newsletters, contests and giveaways—all excellent tactics. But according to the experts, these methods just can’t compare […]
3 Tips for Optimizing Your Collections

According to Experian, trends are pointing toward 2023 being a busy year for debt collectors. The S&P/Experian Consumer Credit Default Composite shows defaults have steadily increased since late 2021. Not to mention, relatively high-interest rates, volatile market conditions, and recession worries among consumers. Many publishers and various advertising outlets are putting their collection strategy at […]
Three Reasons E-Newsletter Advertising Is So Successful

They can grow your audience, keep readers engaged and become a massive source of revenue. Sounds like the holy grail of advertising tools, right? We’re talking e-newsletters. And in a way, they are the holy grail of advertising tools. You just have to know how to make the most of them. But why are they […]
Benefits of In-Person Onboarding

Hands-On Learning There are no shortage of studies proving that hands-on learning has a significant impact on retaining information. It is shown to better engage both sides of the brain – organized thinking and creative thinking – in order to effectively help students grasp the topic at hand. Too often, learning means storing tidbits of […]
The Power of Using Goals to Incentivize Employees

In the fast-paced world of sales, having a great team and commission structure is just the beginning. To succeed, you need a game plan that encourages your sales reps to go above and beyond and helps you track their success. That’s where the power of goals comes in. having your team set their own goals […]
How Data Can Improve Your Top of Funnel Marketing Campaigns

Everyday, we receive thousands of marketing messages, whether we see them on social media read them in an email, or see them as we drive to work. Although there’s no concrete number, most marketers agree the average person is exposed to 5,000 to 10,000 ads on a daily basis.  But how do you stand […]
Best Practices – Sales Commissions

“Give and take” is a component inherent to all personal and professional relationships – a desired outcome cannot be expected if something appealing is not offered in return. It can be a match made in Heaven; however, once the balance between give and take is unstable, one partner might decide to hit the road.  […]
3 Rules for Building Successful “Best-Of” Contests

The spirit of competition has been bringing people together for centuries. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Academy Awards or your friend’s nephew’s t-ball game—knowing there’s an award up for grabs raises the stakes and encourages competitors to give it their all. With this in mind, it’s easy to see why so many publishers choose […]
Advantages of Sticking to Rate Card

Ad rate discounts have been used as a bargaining tool for publications since the beginning of publishing. New customer discounts, early bird discounts, and seasonal discounts, just to name a few, can entice advertisers to make the big leap into your publication, but may not be the best way to retain them. Those who are […]